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Meet our Crazy Puppets


Wally the Walligator

Wally the Walligator likes to roll in the dirt when it's wet. I mean, he really likes to do that. Walligators have a unique perspective about hearing Bible stories.

Bob The Bear

Bob the Bear loves Bible stories as long as the subject of food is included. We usually remind him that “kids are friends, not food!”

Rickey The Rat

Rickey the Rat has been going through therapy to overcome fear. He is almost completely brave - that is, until a Bible story gets too scary.


Squawk The Bird

Squawk the Bird has a lot of, well, attitude. You will see what I mean when he is helping me tell Bible stories.


Tony the Tree

Tony the Tree wants to keep up with everyone else, but he feels stuck… in the dirt…

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Meet Tom Lozano

Tom Lozano is the Ministry Director for a City Kids USA.
Tom has been involved with reaching kids with the Gospel since 1991 in San Diego and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Now the ministry is active in colorful Colorado with a vision for impacting the entire region. Tom has a BA from San Francisco State University and a M.Div. from Bethel Seminary in San Diego.