Bible Questions for Kids to Spark Spiritual Conversations

Engaging Children in Faith

As loving parents and caregivers, your role in your child’s spiritual journey is invaluable. Encouraging your little ones to ask questions about the Bible builds their growing curiosity and helps them form a deeper relationship with God. When children have a safe space to embark on a quest to understand the nature of God, they’re more likely to embrace him and build faith throughout their lives.

Our mission at City Kids USA is to support our parents in fostering these meaningful connections with their children by offering resources, guidance, and practical advice. One of the best ways to teach our children about the Bible is through asking questions and letting their answers spark conversations about Jesus. If you don’t know where to start, we have curated a list of Bible questions for kids and some tips on navigating their inquiries to build curiosity and faith in God. 

Why are Bible Questions for Kids So Important? 

Children come hardwired with natural inquisitive minds. When they ask their 50 questions a day they’re learning that discovery process to understand their world. When they ask questions about the Bible, they’re looking for ways to understand the nature of God through a spiritual lens. As their spiritual tutors engaging with this discovery process can:

1. Deepen their Faith: Exploring biblical stories and teachings helps them make a personal connection to the scriptures, building their faith foundation for the rest of their lives.

2. Encourage Critical Thinking: Little ones asking these questions help build their cognitive development. Encouraging your child to think critically helps them discover and reflect on the teachings of Jesus Christ.  

3. Build a Strong Foundation: By walking this faith discovery path with your children, you are equipping them with a strong foundation of Christian beliefs and values that will shape their worldview. 

Examples of Bible Questions for Kids

Here are a few questions that children might ask while they’re exploring the Bible’s teachings. We’ve also curated a few ways that you and other caregivers can guide the conversation: 

  • Who is God?

    1. Answer: This is typically one of the very first questions your child might ask. It is important to keep the answer simple and clear. “God is the creator of everything. He loves us and is always with us.”

Use examples from nature or their favorite Bible stories to explain the nature of God and his role as the Creator and Father. 

  • Why did God make the world?

    1. Answer: God made the world to share his love with us. He created everything from the trees to the stars to spark our creativity and show us how much he loves us. 

This is a great opportunity to explore the creation story in Genesis, emphasizing God’s intentional design.

  • Why do bad things happen if God is good? 

    1. Answer: This can be a tricky question to navigate with little minds, but it is important to reassure your child that God is always with us even when hard things happen. You can further explain that while this world isn’t perfect, because people can make wrong choices, God is good and can bring good things even in the hardest situations. 

Refer to Bible stories where God has helped people through tough times, like Joseph in the book of Genesis. 

  • Who is Jesus Christ?

    1. Answer: Jesus is God’s son. He was born on this earth to show us how to live and love one another, and he gave his life so that we can live with God forever.

This question is a great opportunity to introduce key stories from the New Testament, like Jesus’ birth, His teachings, and His resurrection. 

  • What is the Bible?

    1. Answer: The Bible is God’s book that is filled with stories, lessons, and messages that help us know Him. It also helps us learn how to live and make good choices, all in the hope of living in a way that pleases Him. 

You can talk to your child about how the Bible has two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and highlight your favorite stories from each of them. By talking about your favorite story it shows that Bible stories are fun and get them excited about reading.  

  • What happens when we die?

    1. Answer: If you are a believer in Jesus you will go to heaven to be with him forever. We believe that Heaven is a wonderful place where there is no sadness and only joy.

This question opens the door to having a sad conversation and making the next life sound more peaceful and happy. Express how comforting it is to know our loved ones who have passed on and are living with Jesus in Heaven.  

Tips for Answering Bible Questions from Kids

  1. Be Honest: As a parent, we don’t have all the answers, so if you don’t know the answer to their question there is nothing wrong with saying that you don’t know the answer. This opens the door to go to the Bible together and find an answer together. This also teaches them how to find answers while using the Bible as a source of truth. 

  2. Keep It Simple: Abstract concepts for young children can be hard to grasp, so breaking things down into very simple concepts will make it easier to explore and learn. You can also stories and metaphors that relate to their everyday experiences. 

  3. Encourage More Questions: Questions are one of the main ways children explore their curiosities and learn about the world around them. The Bible has rich lessons that provide concrete examples for children to understand spiritual truths. 

  4. Use Bible Stories: When your little ones ask questions, try incorporating Bible stories into your answers whenever possible. Bible stories are well suited for explaining God’s parables. 

  5. Pray Together: Praying together is a great way to teach children how to talk with God. Praying with your children, asking Him questions in your prayers, teaches your little ones how to take their questions to God for him to impress on your answers. 

How City Kids USA Supports You

At City Kids, we are here to help provide you with resources to nurture your children's spiritual development. Our mission is to create a faith-filled community where everyone can find biblical guidance, engaging activities, and spiritual support for their walk with Christ.

As you encourage your children to ask questions about the Bible, keep the goal in mind, we don’t want to just provide quick answers, but inspire a lifelong relationship with Christ. The more they learn with you, the more their faith will grow before they are faced with hard experiences as adults. A sure faith foundation built with their parents as a child will carry them through their entire lives.

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